My promotion as sales executive took effect last January 2010 but until now I am still working as sales secretary because my replacement is not yet onboard.
So for the past two years I have been attending all the possible meetings related to sales to take minutes. In a week I attend a minimum of 4 meetings a week. I sort of hate and love it. I hate it because it consumes my time but I love all the knowledge I gain in the meetings.
Unfortunately after my promotion the task of attending (preparing & taking minutes) meeting becomes an additional workload because at the same time I am taking a portion of my workload too as sales executive.
This afternoon I received a lead (means potential client) inquiring for 7ooms and check in is tomorrow already. Honestly if I was not promoted I would care less for this inquiry but since I am already a sales executive, it means a lot to have these 7 rooms tomorrow.
Attending all these weekly meetings give me a better glimpse on how bad is the business in our hotel. I will say that it is really bad because there are many newly opened hotels with cheaper rates and better facilities, and the recent economic climate which somehow makes the corporate companies to be stricter in their budgets.
I know.. I know.. I joined the sales team in the worst period where business is down and confirming a business is really a struggle.
Anyway, back to the 7 room – as the check-in already tomorrow I called the sender of the e-mail who is based in Turkey. To make the story short, the business is confirmed. I am happy because somehow I contribute 2% for our occupancy tomorrow.
Occupancy is a hotel lingo which means the percentage of the booked hotel rooms.
I am hoping for more business to come through me.. really!
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